
Thursday, June 23, 2011

rugby League session

Yesterday morning at 10 am our class room 22 went to the court to get some rugby league session with one of the 2011 vodafone junior warriors squad named Sio Siua Taukeiaho.

When we got there Sio Siua Taukeiaho put us in to four separated groups to play against each other. Then we moved on to our first skill of the day and it was zig zag . I had to demonstrate how to do it by running around 8 corns. Then we had a competition and that competition was the whole team had to zig zag around the corn but one at a time and who ever group comes last they had to do 5 push up and did you now who come last, it was us.

Our second skill of the day was the the people zig zag but this zig zag was a little bit different to the other one . This zig zag you had to run around the people in your team as fast as you can holding a ball and when you get back to the front you have to score a try and the first team to get three point or try wins and the losing team had to push up 5 time again.So we tried not to lose and I was the first one in my team to run but then I got beaten so the other team got one point.At the end of the game we loses again but it wasn’t fear because the other team had 7 and we had 8 but we didn't care.

Our last skill of the day was the kicking game . We had to kick the ball over their neck but like volleyball and try make them fall the ball or bounce it near a person on the other side .When the game started I was fully ready to hide but then I caught a ball and got some people out until they got me out . Then we had two more game and we won the second game then it was the last game of the day we tried so hard to win but we lost but we didn't need to do push up so it was ccol.

It was super fun and cool and I can wait to do it again , if they do again.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Science Road Show .

England school.Soon we went on to our eyes and they told us about a President On Thursday the 9th of June our year seven and eight walked down to the Tamaki College to see the Science road show to learn more about our topic Bigger,Better,Faster and Stronger.

When we got their I saw lots of cool invention like the piano, metal detector and the skeletons.The first invention we went to was the levers because we had to get information from it.After that Paul and Jane that was running the show did a competition to win a cool prize which was 3d glass and a 3d picture.

Soon we had to leave the invention and sit because we were going to learn about our senses like the sight,smell,feel,taste and the hearing.Then they told us that our ears can get tricked from sound.So they show a mystery sound and it sounded like camera but it was a bird.After that Paul was going to say the winner and it Angler from Tamaki College and Awhina from P.t that was colour blind.Soon we moved on to taste and Paul needed a Valenti and I was the first to put my hand so they choose me.Then they gave me a mystery food which was caret and celery but I did’nt know that because I was blinded from a dark glass.Soon we had to go back to school and get ready for play time .

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Swimming at the Y.M.C.A pool

Swimming Lesson

In the last 2 week at 2 pm, our year 7 and 8 were swimming at the Y.M.C.A pool at G.I so we now what to do when we are lost in the deep blue sea. Our teacher was Ms Tito and Ms Demster and they were teaching us to swim.Our first swimming lesson with Ms Tito was the free style but in a different way . We had to relax our wrist and slide it across the water and our elbow had to come out first .After that we had to swim all the to the end of the pool because we had to see if we now how to do the funny free style.Soon we had to go back to school because our school was going to finish in any second so we had a shower and got change in to our school uniform.