On Thursday, Room 22 had a fun time learning to do some netball skills with a netball teacher named Emma.
Our first drill was three dynamic stretches we had high knees, grape vie and but kick.
Our second skill was learning to do our passing. We were going to learn how to do three different pass. Our first passing step was bouncing the ball from the ground to the other person . Our second step was the chest pass we had to pass the ball with a w on you hand and pass the ball toward our friend chest.Our third step was the over pass. We had to imagine that some was at the front of and we had to pass the ball over our blocker to our team mate.
Our last fun drill of the day was a game . We had to get divide in two groups the bib against the
non bibs . It was a petty hard match and fast game but at the end the non bib won 3 -1.
At net ball I had a super fun time doing some drills and I can’t wait till next time.
This is some of the photo that my teacher took, don’t they look cool!